Our Passions

Smart Supply Chains

Logistics cost in India is 14% of its GDP compared to 9-10% in developed countries. Primary factors contributing to this are fragmented and unorganised players, under developed infrastructure, dependency on labour and lack of adoption in technology and latest methodologies.

Logistics sector is projected to grow by CAGR of 9% from 2017-2022. We want to help companies that leverage data, and apply next generation methods such as IoT, advanced automation in warehousing and transportation using machine learning & AI to drive efficiency and enable smart supply chains.

Our Horizontals:

  • Aerospace
  • Cold Chain
    • Agri-Food
    • Pharmaceuticals
  • E-commerce

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Artificial intelligence: Machine & Deep learning

Artificial intelligence is any computer program  or machine that mimics “cognitive functions”  that humans associate with other human minds such as “learning” and “problem solving”. Machine learning is a way of training an algorithm to learn and make predictions on data without being explicitly programmed. Deep learning is a branch of machine learning that tries to mimic the structure of the human brain to solve real-world problems.

Worldwide AI market is expected to be worth USD 16.06 Billion by 2022, growing at a CAGR of 62.9% from 2017 to 2022. India is the fastest adopter of AI and is ranked third in implementing automation in core business processes. We want to help companies that are building “Leapfrog technologies” to drive change in society and industry.

Our horizontals:

  • Agriculture
  • Education
  • Transportation
  • Healthcare
  • Prediction markets
  • IoT
  • Strategic Planning

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Web 3.0: The internet of value

Blockchain is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed to record not just financial transactions but virtually everything of value and enable the coding of simple contracts that will execute when specified conditions are met.

Blockchains hold the potential for all participants in a business network to share a system of records which will provide consensus, provenance, immutability and finality around the transfer of assets within the business network.

We want to help companies be part of the second digital revolution – powered by blockchain technology to create the internet of value: a new platform to reshape the world of business and transform the old order of human affairs for the better.

Our horizontals:

  • Finance
  • Sharing economy
  • Distributed Autonomous Organisations(DAOs) and Governance
  • Know your customer(KYC) and Identity management
  • Auditing and Provenance
  • Prediction markets
  • IoT

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Renewables: Smart, Decentralised & Clean Energy

Green energy is generated from natural and renewable energy sources that have less of an impact on the environment than fossil fuels. A smart energy system is a cost-effective, sustainable and secure energy system in which renewable energy production, infrastructures and consumption are integrated and coordinated through energy services, active users and enabling technologies. Microgrids are modern, localized, small-scale grids, and can disconnect from the centralized grid to operate autonomously, strengthen grid resilience and help mitigate grid disturbances.

India’s demand for energy is expected to grow by 95 per cent by 2030 i.e. 4-9% per annum in proportion to growth rate. Indian government intends to achieve 40% cumulative electric power capacity from non fossil fuel sources by 2030. We want to help companies empowering a sustainable future.

Our horizontals:

  • Cutting edge energy storage and production
  • IoT enabled smart energy solutions
  • Energy data science

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Our Ethos

Change Agents

We help entrepreneurs and their teams in establishing a positive relationship with society thereby creating an ecosystem of mutual respect, trust and benefit. We achieve this by working with and mentoring teams to create effective and long lasting change by engaging peoples emotional side, giving clear direction to their rational side and laying a clear, and straight path ahead.

Enable innovation

The world is full of hard problems that are not going away anytime soon! Albert Einstein famously said that “we cannot solve the problem with the same thinking we used when we created them”.

We strongly believe and guide passionate leaders with visionary dreams who dare challenge the norm with unconventional thinking and creative ability to provide beautiful and unique solutions to problems there by improving people’s quality of life.

Empower people

We are all about People, people, people! We strongly believe that people are the building blocks of any successful organisation and with the right tools and guidance at their disposal even the impossible becomes possible.

We mentor entrepreneurs in finding ways to help others see the problems or solutions in ways that influence emotions, not just thought; who are not afraid of failure and are aware that failure is inevitable when building impactful companies. We are keen to work with people who are perceptive, unconventional thinkers, intellectually hungry and adapt to ever changing situations.

Proponents of Moonshot Thinking

“Moonshot Thinking” originally coined by Google is where instead of 10% gain, a moonshot aims for 10x improvement over what currently exists. We strongly believe that by creating and investing in an ecosystem of empowered people: industry experts, inventors, entrepreneurs, change agents;  and innovative solutions,  “Moonshots” are achievable in the near future.

Company Origins

Our company was established in 2017 with an intent of investing in companies that are building products and solutions for the next billion people. The name “Prasthavana” is an amalgamation of a latin and five sanskrit words. It means “To establish and grow with strength, integrity, consciousness, intelligence and wisdom.

“Pra-stha-vana” – “Pra” from pratyaya which stands for consciousness, understanding, intelligence and intellect. “stha” from sthapana which stands for, to establish; and sthavira which stands for solid, strong and powerful. “vana”from avancer which stands for moving forward, advance and progress; and  anvayin which stands for connected.

Leadership Team

Latest news

IDBRT release blockchain report

The Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology have released a comprehensive report on blockchain technology and a prospective roadmap for the adoption of the technology in India. BCT_India report_Jan 2017